A group of people is standing and sitting in an indoor arena with a hockey game visible in the background. One man is gesturing as he speaks to three others. The arena seats are sparsely filled, and a large digital signboard displays event information for the 2018 March Networking Night with the Chicago Wolves.

A group of people is standing and sitting in an indoor arena with a hockey game visible in the background. One man is gesturing as he speaks to three others. The arena seats are sparsely filled, and a large digital signboard displays event information for the 2018 March Networking Night with the Chicago Wolves.

A group of people is standing and sitting in an indoor arena with a hockey game visible in the background. One man is gesturing as he speaks to three others. The arena seats are sparsely filled, and a large digital signboard displays event information for the 2018 March Networking Night with the Chicago Wolves.