Two people stand outside on a paved area next to a banner that reads “365. 24/7. 525,600. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Always moving.” with an image of a turbine, linked to IAG Cargo at the bottom. They’re casually dressed on a sunny day at the IACAC Golf Outing during the 2018 Golf Event.

Two people stand outside on a paved area next to a banner that reads "365. 24/7. 525,600. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Always moving." with an image of a turbine, linked to IAG Cargo at the bottom. They're casually dressed on a sunny day at the IACAC Golf Outing during the 2018 Golf Event.

Two people stand outside on a paved area next to a banner that reads “365. 24/7. 525,600. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Always moving.” with an image of a turbine, linked to IAG Cargo at the bottom. They’re casually dressed on a sunny day at the IACAC Golf Outing during the 2018 Golf Event.