A man with a beard and a woman with long curly hair are smiling while standing together in a large indoor arena during Networking Night. The man is holding a drink in a plastic cup. The background shows a blurred crowd seated in rows of bleachers, evoking memories of the 2018 March Chicago Wolves event.

A man with a beard and a woman with long curly hair are smiling while standing together in a large indoor arena during Networking Night. The man is holding a drink in a plastic cup. The background shows a blurred crowd seated in rows of bleachers, evoking memories of the 2018 March Chicago Wolves event.

A man with a beard and a woman with long curly hair are smiling while standing together in a large indoor arena during Networking Night. The man is holding a drink in a plastic cup. The background shows a blurred crowd seated in rows of bleachers, evoking memories of the 2018 March Chicago Wolves event.