The IACAC Board of Directors has taken the extraordinary step in 2021 of making a direct plea to our members and sponsors for direct contributions to help underwrite the annual Scholarship Fund.

We have raised $2200 from our donors.

We know that in some parts of the industry, things are still really tight. Our airline partners are feeling it and forwarders in some verticals have been especially hard hit. Conversely, we know that for others, 2020 and 2021 have been surprisingly positive.

Many of these students have had their educations disrupted or derailed – but it doesn’t mean that we abdicate our responsibility to identify worthy applicants and help them defray the cost of their education.

It is why this year we’re coming to you directly asking that you make a donation to help offset the IACAC Scholarship Fund.

Every dollar you donate, less the fees from our online processor, will be earmarked for scholarships. And stay tuned – the 2021 IACAC Scholarship are open for submissions through November 10th and will be announced on November 22nd!

We thank you in advance for your generosity.