This year marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks that changed the world in ways too numerous to count. The most important thing to keep front and center in our minds are those who lost their live at home and abroad. Whether in the attacks, the subsequent war effort which drew to a close last month in Afghanistan, from injuries or exposure during the cleanup or the untold number civilians caught in harm’s way, the world has paid a price too great to be tallied.
Seen through the prism of air cargo, the changes brought on with the creation of the TSA and the security programs that are in place today evolved over that time. I had a front-row seat for it, representing the NCBFAA as their air freight committee chairman and participating in seemingly monthly stakeholder meetings at the new agency, mostly with the AfA’s Brandon Fried by my side representing the interests of air freight forwarders.
The continued need for vigilance through the air cargo supply chain has not waned during this time – it has only evolved. Technology has evolved, canines have been added and the worries about cargo have expanded beyond bombs in boxes to unsafe batteries and potential cyber-intrusions. All of which is to say that the need for the air freight forwarder and the importance of our role in the supply chain is not just focused on keeping air freight moving through congested supply chains, but continuing to keep the flying public safe as they return to the skies for personal and commercial travel.
Golf Outing Thank You’s:
We held the annual golf outing last month and have posted up an assortment of pictures here on our website. This event doesn’t happen without a lot of help from a lot of people and groups. Thank you to:
- Chuck Menini
- Brian Bartolotta
- Ben Pecoraro
- Christine Aguirre
- Laura Candella
- Therese O’Sullivan
- Jim Slawnikowski
- The staff of Bridges of Poplar Creek Golf Course
Without all your efforts, the day would not have been possible. Thank you as well to our sponsors:

We’re really looking forward our next social event at Church Street Brewing Company as we return to our traditional Oktoberfest party on Thursday, September 23rd. Sponsorship opportunities are available – contact me to learn more.